LIPS, an innovative CRM established in PHP which is supposed to be used with the MySql database, is expected to be used by as any type of inspection companies all over the world. LIPS is originated to ease the technicians, operators, auditors and such to track, store, update and retrieve the data related to large equipment in a well-organized manner. LIPS assist the enterprise management to trace the record of operators work process and equipment's work caliber.
The inspection portal system is integrated with a feature of optimized scheduling that facilitates the operators or users to schedule the inspection events in a well arranged and optimized order.
LIPS is tagged with an added feature of computed export. It provides the computed information of the collected data in an exact readable PDF format.
The use of google chart in this inspection portal system enables the administrators and operators to review the performance and efficiency of inspected equipment in a well-recognized pictorial representation.
The remote storing feature of LIPS will enable the administrator or operator to save and record the inspection data from a remote area itself by the use of a URL. The user will be accessible to the application from anywhere without any restrictions.
LIPS is featured with a mobile friendly version, so that it avoids the pinch and zoom trick which have been followed in some other inspection portal systems. The mobile friendly version of LIPS enables it to reflow its whole design layout regardless of the operator’s device.
LIPS is emphasized with dashboard announcements that ease the operators or administrators to get remind about the pending jobs or inspections to be made.
Phase 111, Technopark –Trivandrum